Update Regarding the Plan Study and “High Performer” Certificates
Thanks to everyone for unprecedented participation in this year’s AAMD/RSS Plan Study. It is definitely going to be the largest one yet. (By far!)
High participation is great for many reasons, notably because: 1) it means that many of you are playing an active role in this community of learning, and 2) the very large number of plans maximizes the potential for new knowledge to be gained via robust statistical analysis.
Regarding the scores, we have a small update regarding the “High Performer” qualification. We anticipate awarding this status to the top 30% overall of the plan scores, plus any additional plans that are top 20% for a given TPS but not in the top 30% overall, if applicable.
The list of high performers will be posted after the results presentations, and each will be awarded a certificate similar to the sample shown below. The certificate will be letter sized (8.5 by 11.0 inches, or 215.9 by 279.4 mm). We will release more details regarding distribution of certificates in June.
And, don’t forget, after the study results are presented at the AAMD and RSS meetings in June, all of the results will all be posted on the ProKnow site. This means, for the first time, you will all be able to log back in to the specific plan study and interactively analyze your results (both for the total score and for all component metrics) vs. population distributions covering all plans.
Finish up those submissions, this study closes this Friday, May 20th. And thanks again for your dedication to the craft.