Introducing the ProKnow Achievement System

An integrated & automated system to track your activity, document your accomplishments, and create powerful reports.

December 21, 20162 minute read


We are excited to announce the launch of the ProKnow Achievement System. Expanding on the Plan Study Program and the Contouring Accuracy Program, ProKnow now allows radiation oncology professionals to track their activities and record their accomplishments regarding real-world treatment planning skills.

Skills and accomplishments are organized into the following categories:

  • Treatment Planning
  • Anatomy Contouring
  • Professional Leadership

The achievement system allows you to access your activities and accomplishments using an intuitive web interface. In addition, we’ve built in an Achievement Report generator that creates a compelling and attractive PDF. This documented timeline of accomplishments can be filed with your training record to earn the appreciation of your current employer or attached to your professional résumé to improve your marketability when seeking new opportunities.

Can I Start Using it Right Away?

You can, and you should! In fact, any of your existing plan study or contouring accomplishments will automatically be included the first time you access the system.

Please note that with the ProKnow Achievement System, there is a huge advantage to actually “submitting” any/all of your plan study results rather than just scoring your plan attempts but selecting not to submit (or forgetting to submit). This is because the potential point allowance is much higher for actual submissions than merely for plan attempts that are attempted after the study is closed for new submissions.

Does it Cost Anything?

The ProKnow Achievement System is a free service to all ProKnow users.

How Do the Points and Badge Levels Work?

We have put a lot of thought into how the points are awarded and how the badge levels are achieved. In fact, we’ve had a series of meetings with professionals around the world, both in groups and privately, to be sure that we have built something meaningful, powerful, and fair. For more information about the points system or the badge levels, please sign in and go here for planning, here for contouring, and here for leadership.

More Info and Useful Links

Download the ProKnow Achievement System brochure .

For a walkthrough of the features and how to use them, please see this training video.

If you are already a ProKnow user and want to see the achievement system in action, click here to get started.