How did they do that?… Announcing the Plan Study High Performers and Peer Educators

April 20, 20161 minute read

Have you ever wondered how the top performers of the Plan Studies achieved their plans? Which treatment planning system did they use? What tricks did they use? Can I apply them in my everyday planning? Well ProKnow is going help you get these answers!

After the Plan Study closes our goal is to interview and record demonstrations of the top performers using the various treatment planning systems. These Peer Educators will be asked to contribute educational materials contributing to best practices, techniques, as well as tip and tricks to help you achieve the best plan possible.

At the close of the Plan Study a complete list of the High Performers, the top 20% from each treatment planning system, will be announced on the ProKnow website in a dedicated blog. Each High Performer will receive a certificate acknowledging their achievement.

Now that we have given you some things to strive for keep submitting those plans!