Meet Leksell Vantage
The system you can trust for accuracy and precision.

Trust Vantage to enable fast, high-quality imaging in high field strength MRI.
Discover imaging capabilities not possible with metal-based frames.

Experience the difference between a 1.5 and 3 T MR.
Images provided by the Department of Neuroradiology, Karolinska University Hospital

“Imaging is one of the most important steps to ensure surgical accuracy. With Vantage we have noticed a significant reduction in artefacts, due to the new non-metal material of the frame, allowing us to be more precise when targeting.”
PD Dr. med Falko Schwarz, FEBNS, Attending Neurosurgeon, Functional Neurosurgery and Spinal surgery at University Clinic, Jena, Germany.

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And explore how Vantage can improve your Neurosurgical workflow.
Request more informationTrust Vantage to elevate your patients' comfort
Open-face design and lightweight materials benefit both patients and clinicians. Read about Anna’s experience during DBS with Leksell Vantage:
“Once I came home, the first thing I noticed was that I wasn’t shaking at all… It’s changed my life entirely.”
Anna Eriksson, Patient with myoclonusdystonia, treated with DBS using Leksell Vantage

Trust Vantage when targeting the most challenging lesions
Learn how Dr. Marie Krüger adapted her neurosurgical workflow to target Posterior Fossa Trajectories with Leksell Vantage.
“The new Leksell Vantage frame can be used to safely target the posterior fossa with a high diagnostic success rate and accuracy.”
(Kruger et al. 2022,
Dr. Marie Krüger, PD, Functional Neurosurgeon Unit of Functional Neurosurgery UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery London, United Kingdom

Watch our webinar
Learn from Dr. Marie Krüger about her approach to accurate posterior trajectories with Leksell Vantage.
Sign up below and receive access to our webinar.
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Thank you for your interest in Leksell Vantage Stereotactic System. We cannot wait for you to further explore how Vantage can improve your Neurosurgical workflow.
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The White Paper on posterior fossa trajectories with Leksell Vantage by Dr. Krüger in your inbox